Thank you for signing up to MyLink.
What happens now?
- We’ll send you an email when your application has been processed, that doesn’t normally take more than 5 days.
- Download the Wightlink App for iPhone or Android and get your MyLink card on your phone.
- Just show your MyLink card in the app when buying your tickets at a Wightlink Customer Service Point, quote your Customer ID when calling, book through the app, or log in to your account online to get your discounted fares.
We’re not producing plastic cards automatically as part of our Green Agenda, but if you’d rather have a plastic card, apply for one below, in the meantime you can show the email on your phone, or print it out, to get your 10% travel and 15% discount on hot drinks and bottled water.
I’d like a plastic MyLink card
We look forward to welcoming you onboard soon.